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Our greatest asset

Coming to think of it, who are you? What do you perceive yourself to be? You are what your greatest asset tells you that you are. Dreams are our greatest asset and you are your dreams. At the least of times when all seems down, you only have your dreams. Your dreams are your thoughts.

Our greatest asset

Knowledge is a fundamental requirement to developing wisdom. What do we need wisdom for what? Wisdom to get things moving in life to the next level, wisdom answers all calls; wisdom and money are friends (Ecclesiastes 7:11-12) and therefore wisdom without money is poverty and annoyance.

A person with a dream is a person who does not breakdown due to the pursuit of the dream.

David had a dream, so did Joseph (Gen. 37:5-7), Peter had a dream too. What of Abraham, Esther and Deborah (Judges 4:8-9). We can remember Ruth (Ruth 1:16), Joshua and Moses and many like that including Paul and Titus. They had a dream which was their driver; It is to be number one. One thing we all need to understand is that as Christians when you read the Bible you have to find yourself in it. Let those words jump up in your spirit.
Jephtath (Judges 11) was thrown away but never gave up. Peter never gave up too. Elisha had a dream to be at the top (2 Kings 2:9). They all never gave up and they all believed that it might not see the end of their dreams but they can pioneer the dream so that future generations can build on it. Dreamers can fail and see it as an opportunity to continue more intelligently.
Many of us cannot tap into your dreams due to fear. Fear makes you to see the failure only. Many of us dream to be the heads and not the tail. We want to get the prize but do not have the ability to pay the prize to realise the dreams.

Next achieving the dream.

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