But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. – 2 Chronicles 15:7
Understanding Wisdom
Understanding wisdom is one of the problems with christianity today. We take what we want to take and leave what we do not want or what does not satisfy us from the holy scriptures. We need revelation knowledge always because when we lack revelation, we have no Christ. There is a difference between being a christian by religion and being a christian with christ living inside of you. Religion without Christ is just a cultural thing and leads to crisis.
Understanding of Wisdom
We are dividing it into 3 sides.
- Knowledge
- Understanding
- Wisdom
If someone has knowledge and does not understand the knowledge behind that knowledge they have, then how can they apply it? It is the understanding of how this and that fit in, that is how we know things. Knowledge without understanding does not make any impact. That is why Paul said in 2 Corinthians 3:6, letter killeth…. He went further on to explain that the spirit giveth life.
Many of us have knowledge but due to lack of proper understanding we are not able to make anything out of it. For example one can have knowledge that there is a route between points A and C through a particular town. However, understanding of that route would make that person make a decision that there might be traffic on that route at a particular time so an alternative path is needed.
Knowledge tells us what has happened before: An experience. Understanding makes use of that knowledge and becomes (re)creative. It is creativity that gives us promotion in our endeavour in life.
In Gen.1:28, …and God blessed them… The question here is that, most of us have knowledge of blessing but do we actually understand what this blessing talked about here is? We mostly see only the good things in life as blessings and at times quite myopic about it. Nevertheless do we also know that a bad time can also be a blessing? Our ability to understand the knowledge of the word blessing makes us see the environment as an opportunity for advancement. If you believe that you need to go to work to get your daily bread and then that job fails you somehow, then you should also be able to have the faith in yourself to move on to get something else to do (which is creativity). This process when properly executed can make you get a better job or be self-employed and then when you look back at the failing of that former job, you see it as a blessing.
We shall continue next time to elucidate on the 2 Corinthians 3:6 verse above: That is NEXT.