Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. – Deuteronomy 28:3
Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. – Deuteronomy 28:3
In our younger Christian days, most of us prayed and screamed in tongues for the Holy Spirit to come down. We had so much zeal we prayed for the anointing. Even if and when He came, what did we do with Him? Zeal without knowledge and wisdom is deadly. Our experiences give us knowledge and then the Holy Spirit helps us to generate wisdom for regeneration work.
God has a reason to let us pass through these experiences and we come out better and to another level. The bible talks about Daniel as an excellent man. He had an excellent spirit. He was a man of integrity. He did not compromise his standards In the face of adversities. He trusted in his God. When we in God, we rejuvenate our spirits, minds and our vision through the infallible Word of God. Through that we have the power that is more than any other power on this earth or any other planet in this whole universe.
From Daniel 10:1-7, we read about how Daniel saw a vision and understood it. Unlike what most of us do, it isn’t good seeing a vision without understanding it. We have visions, we have dreams but we do not seek wisdom and knowledge surrounding that vision so that we would be able to understand it and be able to take the right steps to achieve that vision. Why was Daniel seeing a vision? He was not just sitting down there and started to see visions. If we go to Daniel 9:1-3, it says Daniel was studying the books; he was seeking wisdom and knowledge.
Daniel was quite a happy man, though he was a slave. He was high up. When we read Daniel 6:3, it says he was not complacent with what he had. Daniel wasn’t happy for his people. It was not God who came and showed Daniel a vision. Daniel himself went to seek knowledge by reading their history; their books and saw that God has promised us that in seventy years, He would bring us out of captivity. The seventy years has passed, not that God has forgotten them but he was watching them. There are a lot of things God would not drop them on your laps. You have to make the effort. Once you make the effort, He would reward your effort.
He said I Daniel alone saw this vision. The men with him did not see the vision. Why is it that it was only Daniel who saw the vision? It was because he went and sort the knowledge and wisdom concerning the vision. And when he had realised that the days of my captivity has come to an end and that God must take the people out. He did not stop there, but he went and sort God and that is when heaven came down. John 16:24, He said you have asked nothing in my name. He said, ask and you shall receive and your joy may be full. Let us ask God to enhance our ability to see our visions clearly and give us the ability to get the right knowledge to achieve our dreams.