He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor. – Proverbs 22:9
Love Of God
We human beings are very unique. Two or more people need to have some thing(s) in common to start a communication.
Expanding the common things that exist between us brings about further communication. So what of communication? Well when we communicate a lot, we tend to like each other or one another and therefore want to know more. The more we communicate, the more we find more common things (or not).
God First Loves Us
When a fellowship exits, then we have a relationship that was built on further communication. There we can tell people how good or otherwise the other person feels. In this case we testify. The interactions between those common things we communicate about leads to a relationship. Here there are expectations in our behaviour and we develop likeness, like or even dislike.
With a lot of things to testify about people, we end up testifying on more things than normal that we start to love (or even hate) them. When love exists, there is always a mutual benefit. This is how most of us build love.
When we work for a company or organisation, we get paid at the end of the month. That is not a gift. A gift is always free and would remain so. We do not work for a gift! Anything given to us for something we have done or expected to do is not a gift.
God does not build love towards us like the way we build love, NO! God loves us even before he created the world. In John 3:13-16 Jesus said he loves us personally because as his followers we are His friends.
If ever you feel small in terms of God’s love as part of the whole world, remember that in John 3:16 he came to die for us and in John 15:18 even the world hated Him first.