If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; – Isaiah 1:19
Effective Prayer Sections
This continues from Fire Room Prayer
Putting prayers into sections can be very difficult for a lot of people. Just as in writing a letter, prayers have sections too.
I shall make it clear here that at times, some people can be pardoned for not knowing how to do this. Novice Christians are those who pray to impress people around them. They pray so people can hear them praying. Generally, effective prayer sections are like those that Jesus emphasised in Matthew 6:9-15.
Do it like this:
Running off Prayers
If after a Christian activity, a prayer session or a little ceremony, you no longer need to have a 30 minutes prayer to sum up a 45 minutes occasion. To run off prayer, take this example;
“Father we thank you for being here with us. We thank you for the support, we also thank you for the [here you mention the people who spear headed the occasion that just ended]. We thank you for the praise and worship and we also thank you for all you have done in Jesus’ name. Dear Lord grant us a safe journey back home. Amen.”. This is a simple running off prayer.
There is a big difference between starting a prayer and ending one.
Read this simple format. PLEASE IT IS A FORMAT or FORMULA. Do not start reciting it:
Opening Prayers
This is where you are communicating what you are just about to start in the Lord’s Hands.
“Father I want to thank you for bringing us into your presence today in Jesus’ name. Amen. Lord we want to ask you Oh God to guide us through all today/tonight’s activities [you can mention the activities’ names here]. Lord we are asking that you see us through and also protect those on their way here, hasten their footsteps. Thank you Father. Touch the lips of the man of God and also those going to lead the various activities [you can mention them here] in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Yes effective prayer is the food for my soul….lord pls give me the will and zeal to always pray effectively