Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. – Deuteronomy 28:3
…continuing from the why of life, we shall take a look at how being creative would make us stop asking that question why?
Faith in operation is all about developing or working to bring to pass that thing that you believe in. In James 2:18-20, we need to develop skill to perfect our God-given abilities. God did not tell Gideon He would deliver his people but He said you shall deliver your people with your might. Developing the appropriate skills to move us into perfection is creativity. Creativity is the point of perfection where things work for us and in our favour.
One of the signs of a justified christian is that the anointing of God or the holy spirit that lives in us shall bring into remembrance (John14:26) ‘yet to come things’ and make us manage resources excellently (creative). A justified and a sanctified christian who is creative does not go chasing after people but rather people looking for solutions to their problems come chasing.
A creative person does not beg people to be his friends but people manoeuvre to be his friends and to identify with him or her. At this point that person has come to a point where he/she no longer ask why?, instead the polished abilities market him/her. What makes people admire you or makes you sell is not because you have got a big mouth and can talk but rather because your God-given ability has been perfected and can be of a solution to them and their environment. In Psalms 110:1-3, in the days of your power means in the days your skills or ability are marketing you and putting bread on your table.
If you obey God and walk diligently with Him, one thing He imputes into you is knowledge; knowledge to bring out the personality inside us. Remember the three points we learnt about Gideon in the why of life. In creativity and in perfecting our abilities, we would at times fail here and there. We would at times fall. However, God at times allows these things for us to be quicker and learn for a future problem. When we get up from a fall, we learn to begin or to continue more intelligently and cautiously. Most of us when we fall remain on the ground due to pride and arrogance (sin).
The key to sustainable development as a christian is to skillfully develop our unique abilities. This is our responsibility. It is only in the extreme circumstance when and where there is no help that God would manifest Himself miraculously to move you to position you for your miracle.