The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. – Deuteronomy 28:12
The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. – Deuteronomy 28:12
So many of us do believe that it is our going to the church that makes us Christians. They think that it is I am born again business. It is not also that because you go to an orthodox church; until you come to a particular church, most people think one is not a Christian. There are pastors and other church workers who are not born again. You ask, what is Christianity?
A born again man of God would not want to first of all know your secrets and then later use it as a prophecy. A real born again man would not have a problem with you and than take it to the pulpit to preach. A born again pastor would not see a wrong thing been done and would not like to change it for good. Some turn a blind eye because of fear of losing that member.
Born again means:
Because you believe in Him and confess Him as your Lord and personal saviour, you are saved. By confessing Him, you are a Christian. Only you would know that you are a Christian or not. Going to church regularly here and there makes you a church goer that is all. However, real Christians are those who after they get born again begin to work and walk in His will and purpose which is elementary as Paul said in Hebrews 6. For studying, the same, Paul said in 2 Tim. 2:15 that it is only when we study that we can be confident to avoid errors. You avoid errors by letting the Holy Spirit to interpret the word of God to you for today; and give you the wisdom for tomorrow. That is when you really are a Christian.
With these the work of a Christian is to live a life that would not make the government to spend unnecessarily. That is how to live a life that is pleasing unto God. Christians take control over their lives! God does not take control of people’s lives. Since the days of Christ till now, God gives you His Holy Ghost, it is He that teaches you things that you did not know, put to your remembrance things that know. With this, your way of living speaks on your behalf. Negative things begin to change to be positive. God sees you as a being who has self-will.
In Psalms 136:20 it tells that it is His mercies and favour which endure forever that takes care of us to continues to live a life of a good Christian. He the same God that allows the temptation would make a way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13). In Numbers 23:19 He promised that He is not a man that he should lie. No matter what your situations are there is always a way out! The problem the Christendom has is that of unborn again Christians. They run from one place to the other. Any where they hear any sound, there they are picking up all manner of doctrines. They do all manner of things in the church but because there are some pastors who cannot speak the truth the problem escalates.
Our inability to say the truth has caused Christianity what we are going through today!! A church where members cannot have a my platform to challenge anything is not only demonic, but also influences negatively. The bible concerns everything that is aspect to man. If you are in a relationship, read more of relationship verses, so also if you are into finances and business. There are verses about marriage and relationships – Until you come to perfection, never give up. Keep treading on. The Lord will do something new in your life! Amen!